Bureaucracy in India

Bureaucracy in India

According to Max Weber known as father of Bureaucracy  , “Bureaucracy is universal social phenomenon and the means of carrying community action to rationally ordered societal action”.

Role of Bureaucracy in India

The growing impact of liberalisation, privatisation and globalisation, increased complexity in administrative problems, influx of Information Technology, and socio-cultural upheavals are bringing in a lot of changes in the complexion of Indian bureaucracy. Some of the features of bureaucracy in India could be summarised as:
 • Strong binding character
• Non-partisan advice to political leadership in the midst of political instability and uncertainties
• Administrative and managerial capacity of services
• Effective coordination between institutions of governance
• Leadership at different levels of administration
• Service delivery at the cutting-edge level
• Provision of ‘continuity and change’ in administration. 

Accountability of Bureaucracy In India

Good governance is the need of the hour. The citizen demands a more responsive, transparent and accountable set-up which is premised on probity and integrity. 

Holders of public office are accountable for their decisions and actions to the public. 

The bureaucracy is the continuous element in administrations. Governments may change and hence the framers of the Constitution had provided for an impartial and permanent bureaucracy. The country has to ensure that rapid growth and welfare measures are inclusive for all sections of society. 

Impartial, dynamic and accountable Bureaucracy  can ensure the these objectives  that a state aims to be achieved

References :
1. Bava, Noorjahan, 1997, “Bureaucracy in Nation Building and Development: A Fifty Year Profile”, The Indian Journal of Public Administration, (IIPA), Vol. XLIII, No.3, July-September. 

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