Books and Authors


Books and Authors 

A good book can easily become your best companion.


Dr S. Radhakrishna

Ex President of India

1.      Indian Philosophy

2.      An Idealist View of Life

3.      Hindu View of Life

A P J Abdul Kalam

Ex President of India

4. Wings of Fire

5. Ignited Minds

M K Gandhi

2nd Oct -1948, 30  Jan

Congress president

6.    My Early Life

7.    Indian Home Rule

8.    My Experiments with Truth

9.    Non-Violence in peace and war

10.  10. Conquest of self

11. Hind Swaraj 

Jawaharlal Nehru

Ex Prime Minister Of India

12.  Letters from a Father to his daughter

13.  A Bunch of old Letters.

14.  Glimpses of world history

Indira Gandhi

15.  My Truth

Aurobindo Ghosh

16.  Life Divine  

Rabindranath Tagore

 17.  Lipika

18.  The Post Office

19.  Bisarjan

20.  King of Dark Chamber

21.  Gora

22.  Gardener

23.  Crescent Moon

24.  Gitanjali 

Bankim Chandra Chatterjee

25.  Kapal Kundala

25.  Anand Math


Sarojini Naidu

26.  Broken Wing

25. Songs of India.


26.  Painter of Signs

27.  Guide


Munshi Prem Chand

28.  Rangbhoomi

29.  Prem Pachisi

30.  Kaya Kalp

31.  Nirmala

32.  Pratigya

33.  Godan

Sarat Chandra

34.  Devdas

35.  Bindur Chele

36.  Griha Daha

37.  Ramer Sumati

Nirad C. Choudhary

38.  Autobiography of an Unknown Indian

39.  Passage to England

Amrita Pritam

40.  Pinjar

41.  Revenue Stamp

42.   Kora Kagaz

43.  Kagaz Te Kanwas

44.  Death of a City

Arundhoti Roy Choudhory

(Booker Prize Winner )

45.  The God Of Small Things


Vikram Seth

46.  A Suitable Boy

47.  Golden Gate

Aravind Adiga

(Booker Prize Winner )

48.  White tiger

Khushbant Singh

49.  A Train to Pakistan


- Mulk Raj Anand

47   Last Child

48   The Coolie

49   Two leaves and a bud


C K Prahllad.

50.  The fortune at the bottom of the Pyramid (August 25, 2004)

51.  Competing for the future (Co-authored with Gary Hamel)

52.  The Future of Competition: Co-Creating Unique Value with Customers (2004 - co-authored with Venkat Ramaswamy)

53.  In search of excellence

54.  Multinational Mission: Balancing Local Demands and Global Vision (1987)

Arindam Chowdhory 

55.  Count your chickens before they hatch

56.  The Great Indian Dream

Shiv khera

57.  You Can Win (1998)

58.  Living With Honour (August 2003)

59.  Freedom Is Not Free (February 2004)

60.  Attitude Determines Altitude

61.  Attitude – the key to success

62.  Discipline your way to freedom

63.  Ethics of Values

64.  Winner’s Edge

65.  Winning Strategies


66.       Arthashastra - Kautilya

67.       Mahabharata - Maharishi Ved Vyas

68.       Panchatantra - Vishnu Sharma

69.       Kadambari - Bana Bhatt

70.       Ramayana - Maharishi Valmiki

71.       I follow the Mahatma - K.M. Munshi

72.       India Wins Freedom - Maulana Abul Kalam Azad

73.       India Divided - Dr. Rajendra Prasad

74.       India from Curzon to Nehru and After - Durga Dass

75.       Kamsutra – Vatsyayan

76.       Meghdot – Kalidas

77.       Kumar Shambhava - Kalidas

78.       Ram Charita Manas - Tulsidas

79.       Netaji Dead or Alive - Samar Guha

80.       Ain-i-Akbari - Abul Fazal

81.       Prison Diary - Jayaprakash Narayan

82.       Between the lines - Kuldeep Nayyar

83.       Lolita - V Nobokov.

84.       Man-eaters of Kumaon - Jim Corbett.

85.       Panchagram - Tarashankar Bandyopadhyay

86.       Shadow of Ladakh - Bhabani Bhattacharya.

87.       Sunny Days - Sunil Gavaskar

88.       The Argumentative Indian- Amartya Sen

89.       My Music, My Life - Ravi Shankar

90.       Advent of Independence - Ashok Majumder.

91.       Aura of Darkness - V.S.Naipaul

92.   The idea of Justice - Amartya Sen

93. The Geeta rahasya- Bal Gangadhar Tilak






Boris Pasternak

92.  Dr. Zhivago

93.  Blind Beauty

T. S Elliot

94.   Murder in the Cathedral

95.  Confidential Clerk

William Shakespeare

96.  King Lear -

97.  Othello -

98.  Julius Caeser

99.  Midsummer Night's Dream

100.       Much Ado About Nothing

101.       Merchant of Venice

102.       Romeo and Juliet

103.  Macbeth  

104.  All's well that Ends well  

105.  Antony and Cleopatra  

106.  As You Like it 

107.  Hamlet

108.  Comedy of Errors

109.  The Tempest


George Benard Shaw

110.       Major Barbara

111.       Man and Superman

112.       Man of Destiny

113.       Mrs Warren's Profession

114.       Androcles and the Lion  

115.       Arms and the Man  

116.       Apple Cart

117.       The Doctor’s Dilemma

118.        Cease and Cleopatra

Charles Dickens

              119.   Oliver Twist  

120.       Great Expectation

121.       PickWick Papers


John Milton

122.       Paradise Lost

123.       Paradise Regained


R L Stevenson

124.       Kidnapped - Robert Louiz Stevenson( R L Stevension)

125.       Treasure Island

126.       The Strange case of Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde

Rudyard Kipling

127.       Jungle Book - Rudyard vcKipling

128.       Light That Failed -

129.       Kim

Jules Verne

130.       Around the World in Eighty Days -

131.       20,000 leagues under the sea

132.        Five weeks in a balloon 

133.    Michel Strogff 

- Salman Rushdie

134.       Midnight's Children

135.       Satanic Verses


Lewis Carroll

136.       Alice’s Adventures in wonderland -

137.       Man the Unknown - Lewis Carroll

138.       Through the looking glass

Mark Twain (Samuel Longhorn Clemens)

139.       Adventures of Tom Sawyer -


French dramatist, novelist, & poet
Victor Hugo (1802-1885)

140.       Hanche back of the Noteredam

141.       Le Miserable

(24 July 1802 – 5 December 1870) Alexzander Duma , a French writer

142.       The Count of Monte Cristo,

143.       The Three Musketeers,

144.       Twenty Years After,

145.       The Vicomte de Bragelonne

146.       Man in the iron mask.

Daniel Defoe

147.       Robinson Crusoe

Jonathan Swift

148.       Gullivers Travels

- Chariel Darwin


149.       Origin of Species


Isaac Newton

150.       Principia -


Stephen Hawking.

            151. A Brief History of Time.
            152. Black Holes and Baby Universes  

Taslima Nasrin

153.        Lajja

154.       Dikhandita

George orwell

155.       Animal Farm

156.       Ninety eighty four

Ernest Hemingway

157.       A farewell to Arms

158.       For whom the bell tolls

159.       Old man and the sea

Arthur Conan Doyle

160.       Adventures of Sherlock Holmes,

161.       The hound of Baskervilles

E.M. Forster

        162.  Passage to India

J K Galbraith

163.          The Triumph

164.        Affluent Society

 H G Wells

165.           Invisible man.

166.           Shape of things to come

167.           Sleeper Awakes.


168.  Memories of world war II - Winston Churchill

169.  Mother - Maxin Gorky

170.  Arabian Night - Sir Richard Burton

171. Illiad - homer

172. Odyssey Homer

173.Tropic of Cancer - Henry Miller

174. A week with Gandhiji - Louis Fischer

175.Communist Manifesto- Karl Marx and Engles.

176.Lady Chatterley’s Lover- D H Lawrence.

177.Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen.

178.Uncle Tom's Cabin; or, Life Among the Lowly is an anti-slavery novel by American author Harriet Beecher Stowe.


MISC Authors

·         I Am Not An Island - K.A. Abbas

·         Idiot - Fyodor Dostoyevsky

·         If I am Assassinated  - Z.A. Bhutto Illiad Homer

·         Importance of Being Earnest - Oscar Wilde

·         India We Left - Humphrey Trevelyan

·         Indian Muslims - Prof. Mohammed Mujeeb

·         Indo-Pakistan Conflict - The Russel Brines

·         India-China War - Neville Maxwell

·         Inside Asia - John Gunther

·         Inside Europe - John Gunther

·         Iron in the Soul - Jean Paul Sartre

·         Ivanhoe - Walter Scott

·         Jai Som Nath - K.M. Munshi

·         Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte

·         Jean Christopher Romain Rolland

·         Judgement - The Kuldip Nayar

·         Judge's Miscellany - A A.M. Hidayanullah 

·         Kamayani - Jai Shanker Prasad

·         Khak-i-Dil jan Nissar Akhtar

·         Killer - Angles Michael Shaara

50   Living Room - Graham Greene

51   Lolita - V. Nabakov

52   Love Story - Eric Segal
Ben hur- 

53   Magic Mountain - Thomas Mann

54   Man for all seasons - Robert Bolt

55   Marriage and Morals - Bertrand Russell

56   Mayor of Casterbridge - Thomas Hardy

57   Moti Mahal - Gopinath Mohanty

58   Men who Kept the secret - Thomas Powers

59   Man who Killed Gandhi - The Manohar Malgonkar

60   Middle March - George Eliot

61   Mill on the floss - George Eliot

62   Modern Painters - John Ruskin

63   Mother India- Katherine Mayo

64   Mountbatten and Independent India - Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre

65   Mountbatten and partition India - Larry Collins and Dominique Lapierre

66   Mudra Rakshas - Vishakadutta

67   Murder in the Cathedral - T.S.Elior

68   Muslim Dilemma in India - M.R.A. Balg

69   My India - S.Nihal Singh

70   My Life, Law and Other Things - M.C.Seralvad

71    Naganandan Harsha Vardhan

72   Naked Face - Sydney Sheldon

73   Naked came the Stranger  - Penelope Ashe

74   Naked Triangle- Balwant Gargi

75   Natya Shastra - Bharat Muni

76   Nehru; The Making of India - M.J.Akbar

77   Nehru Family and Sikhs - arbans Singh

78   Nice days Wonder - John Masefield

79    Odakkuzhal - G. Shankara Kurup

80   Of Human Bondage - W.Somerset Maugham

81   Oh, Calcutta - Kenneth Tynan

82   Old man and the Sea -  Ernest Hemingway

83   One world - Wondell Wilkie

84   One Hundred Years of Solitude - Gabriel Garcia Marquez

85   One Life - Christian Barnard

86   Other Side of Midnight -  Sidney Sheldon

87   Our India - Minoo Masani
Pair of Blue Eyes - Thomas Hardy

88   Pakistan Crisis - David Loshak

89   Pakistan Cut to Size - D.R.Mankeikar

90   Panchali Sapatham - Subramania Bharati

91   Past and Present - Thomas Carlyle

92   Patriot -  Pearl S. Buck

93   Premonitions - P.N. Haksar

94   Promises to Keep - Chester Bowles
Rainbow - Pearl S. Buck

95   Rape of Bangladesh - Anthony Mascarenhas

96   Ratnavali - Harsha Vardhan

97   Red Star Over China - Edgar Snow

98   Reminiscences of the Nehru Age - M.O. Mathai

99   Republic - Plato

100Resurrection - Leo Tolstoy

101Return of the Native - Thomas Hardy

102Ritu Samhara - Kalidas

103Road to Folly - Leslie Ford

104Robe - L.C. Douglas

105Rubaiyat - Omar Khayyam

Here is a list of some famous Books and Plays written by well known authors.

·         Affluent Society - J.K. Galbraith

·         Agony and the Ecstasy, The Irving Stone, Airport - Arthur Hailey

·         Ascent to Everest - Sir John Hunt

·         Alchemist,- Ben Jonson

·         All the president's Men - Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward

·         Ambassador's Report - Chester Bowles

·         All things Bright and Beautiful - James Herrior

·         Ambassador's Journal - J.K. Galbraith

·         An American Tragedy - Theodore Dreiser

·         An Eye to China - David Selbourne


·         Ape and Essence  - A. Huxley

·         Arrival and Departure  - Artur Koesler

·         After the Dark Night - S.M. Ali

 Freedom from fear - Aung San suu kyi

·         Asian Drama -     Gunnar Myrdal

·         Atoms of Hope - Mohan Sundar Rajan

·         All the Prime Minister's Men - Janardhan Thaku

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