First In India


First in India.

1.            First man to climb mt Everest…………………….Tenjing Norway.
2.            First film -…………………………………………Raja harishchandra
3.            First film (talkie) in India was -………………......Alamm Ara
4.            First railway line opened in India -……………….1853.
5.            First CEC………………………………………….Sukumar Sen.
6.            First CJI……………………………………….......Hari lal Kania.
7.            First Deputy prime minister of India………….......Ballav bhai patel.
8.            First Defence Minister of India……………………Baldev Singh
9.            First Viceroy of India………………………………Lord Caning.
10.        First General election ……………………………..1952.
11.        First person to cross English channel ……………..Mihir Sen.
12.        First session of INC was held in…………………...Mumbai.
13.        First Governor General ……………………………Warren hastings
14.        First Bharat Ratna award winner…………………..C Raja Gopalachari.
15.        First recipient of Jnanpith Award………………….G Shankar Karup.
16.        First President of interna5tional court of justice…...Dr Nagendra Singh.
17.        First ICS ……………………………………….......Satyendranath tagore.
18.        First non congress PM of India…………………….Murarji Desai.
19.        First Field marshal………………………………….R S H Manekshaw.
20.        First foreigner to receive Bharat ratna ……………..Khan Abdul Gafar khan.
21.        First Governer Genreal of Indian Union……………CR.
22.        First Chinese Traveler to India……………………..Fahein
23.        First dalit speaker of Loksabha……………………..G M C Balyogi
24.        First man to clim mt Everest withot oxyzen………..Phu Dorjee.
25.        First Indian member to British parliament………….Dada Bhai Naoroji.
26.        First to receive magasse award……………………..Acharya Binova Bhave.
27.        First VC of Calcutta University…………………….Sir Gurudas Bandhopadhya.
28.        First speaker of Loksabha……………………..........G V Mavlankar.                      
29.        He first drafted the Indian constitution……………..Motilal Neheru.
30.        Who was the first Indian to reach the South Pole…..I K Bajaj
31.        First Muslim president of India--------------------Dr. Zakir Hussein.( Died in Office)
32.        First Olympic medal for India………………………Norman Pritchard (1900, Paris).
33.        First to write English poetry…………………………

34.        First woman to receive Bharta ratna………………..Indira Gandhi( first women PM India)
35.        First Woman Chief Minister of a state……………...Sucheta Kripalini.
36.        First woman CJI of India…………………………...M Fathima beevi.
37.        First woman judge of High court………..………….Leela Seth.
38.        First women Governor……………………………...Sarojini Naidu.
39.        First Indian woman to scale mt Everest…………….Baichandrei Paul
40.        First woman to climb mt Everest twice……………..Santosh Yadav.
41.        First woman president of General assembly of UNO……Vijoy Laxmi Pandit.
42.        First Dada Saheb Phalke award winner…………..…Devika Rani.
43.        First woman airline pilot……………………………Durba banarjee.
44.        First woman merchant navy officer…………………Sonali Banarjee.
45.        First Miss Universe………………………………….Susmita Sen.
46.        First Miss World from India…………………………Reita  Faria.
47.        First to win Booker prize……………………………Arundhoti roy
48.        First to cross the strait of Gibraltar…………………Arati Pradhan.
49.        First mayor of Delhi………………………………..Aruna Asaf  Ali.
50.        First to win an Olympic medal……………………Karnam Malleswari, 2000( Bronze, Sydney Olympic)

51.        First Dalit CJI……………………………………….K G Balakrishnan.
52.        First Asian games held in Delhi in…………….……1951.
53.        First postal stamp issued in ………………………...1852.
54.        First money order service started in …………….….1880.
55.        First woman chief Election commissioner……….…V S Rama devi.
56.        First film maker to receive Bharat Ratna Award…...Satyajit Roy.
57.        First Muslim president of INC……………………...Badrudin Tyabji.
58.        First commander in chief……………………………General cariappa.
59.        First air chief marshal……………………………….Subrata Mukharjee.
60.        First naval chief……………………………….…….R D Katari.
61.        First to reach the south pole…………………………Col J k Bajaj.
62.        First high court justice………………………………Justice syed Mehmood.
63.        First Indian to become president of International coutrt of justice…..Dr Nagendra Singh.
64.        First scientific institute established  …Indian association for the cultivation of Sc. Kol.
65.        First two education mission………….Radhakrishnan comm. 1947, Kothari comm. 1966.
66.        Bakra dam is built on the river…………..Sutlej
67.        The first official census of India was undertaken…………………..1871
68.        The first country to have passed the Climate Act is……………..Canada
69.        Which of the follwing tree, once very popular in social forestry is now taken to be environmental hazard…………………………………………Eucalyptus
70.        Which of the following types of light are strongly absorbed by plants………….Blue and Red.
71.        Who gave the concept of “Total Revoulation”………………….Jayprakash Narayan
72.        Bee keeping is known as…………………………………Apiculture
73.        First Bank of India………………………………………Avadh Commercial Bank.
74.        First football club of India……………………………….Mohan Bagan ( 1889)
75.        First printing press in India………………………………Mumbai
76.        First non-Indian to receive Bharat Ratna…………………Mother Teresa.
77.     Number of Districts .............................................................766 ( As of Aug 2022)

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