Important Demarcation Lines of world

Important Demarcation Lines.

  1. Durand line -  Pakistan and Afghanistan
  2. Macmohan line - India and China.
  3. Redliff line - India and Pakistan.
  4. Hindenburg line -  Germany and Poland ( I world war)
  5. Maginot line -  Germany and France 
  6. Siefried line - Germany and Franch.
  7. Order Neisse line - East Germany & Poland.
  8. Mannerhiem line - Finland and Russia.
  9. 24th Parallel -  India and Pakistan
  10. 49th  Parallel - Canada & USA.
  11. 38th  Parallel - North Korea & South korea.
  12. 17th  Parall- North Vietnam & South Vietnam.
  13. Curzon line - Russia and Poland

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