Test September 2021

Monthly Test - TCS/TPS Preparation 

A. Alter Native English : Answer Any four ( 4*5 =20 )

  1. Write down the summary of the poem Ode to the West Wind.   
  2. Describe, after Shelly, the effect of the West Wind on the earth, in the sky and over the ocean.
  3. Why the West Wind is called ‘Destroyer and Preserver’?
  4. Explain the idea ‘If Winter comes, can spring be far behind.’
  5. Why are Shelley’s thoughts dead? Whom does he invoke to come to drive his dead thoughts and why?

B. Letter writting ( 1*15=15)

 a) You are an Executive officer of an ULB. Write a official letter to Director UDD about shortage of fund to offer mandays to job card holders before bengali new year . 

 b) You are BDO of a block. write a letter to SDM/DCM for demarcation of a disputed kaccha road prior to undertaking a plan for converting to pacca road with drainage and other utilities from TUEP scheme. 

C. Write Synonyms  (1* 5= 15)

  1. Abridge 
  2. Embargo
  3. Hazardous
  4. Judicious
  5. Multitude
  6. Perennial

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